Monday, November 14, 2016

Don't Worry- Donald Trump Will Obey Orders.

     First off, what do we know about Donald Trump? He made his fortune using OPM- Other's People's Money and not paying it back  He has filed four bankruptcies, (or is it five?). He once lost almost a billion dollars in a year and has been sucking off the tax writeoffs ever since.
    Second- what do we know about money? That it is just a concept. That it is not backed by anything. Money only has value if the person you give it to has confidence that he can spend it somewhere else. If people lose confidence in the value of their money, it becomes just so much toilet paper, only less absorbent.
    Third- what do we know about China? They owe their prosperity by exporting huge amounts of cheap manufactured goods without restraint, destroying tens of millions of  Americans' livelihood. They have lent us $TRILLIONS$ so we can continue to buy piles of their cheap crap to keep them afloat.
     If Donald Trump tries to Make America Great Again by cutting off the flow of Chinese imports, China will retaliate my demanding payment of the trillions America borrowed  from them. Then President Trump will do what he does best- default. That's right. The United States of America in Default. The good old USA not paying its bills. See what happens Mr. Tea Party, when the world no longer accepts dollars for payment that have been made worthless by the Huckster in Chief. We Americans take so much for granted. Wait until you get a taste of anarchy.
     This will never happen.
      Hey folks, Wall Street, the Pentagon, the CIA, official unelected Washington, and Silicon Valley have WAY too much at stake my allowing America's Most Beloved Reality Show Star to play Russian roulette with their fortune (and our future).. A couple of goons will get Trump in a dark room and tell  the Donald the facts of life. The Donald will obey. He has no choice. Of course, the Con Artist in Chief probably already knew this.
      All the poor working class white people will have their hopes crushed. Again. The factories will not be rebuilt. The "jobs" will not be coming back. They have been gone for 40 freaking years now. I really don't think most of Trump's white supporters will care, as long as they all can continue to look down on all those black and brown people. It is never about economics. Its about class privilege. It was the same during the Civil war, when an army of starving poor whites fought like demons so they could feel themselves better than black slaves. It will be the same today. Trump just might try to build that wall. Many might be deported, or continue to get locked up, or get their skulls cracked. Yep, (white) America will cheer, at least those who have not succumbed to despair. Just don't expect any jobs. Or America to be great again.
     So America, go shopping! If you can afford it. Have a six pack of beer!  It seems that we continue to not have the moral fiber to make the transformative changes America most desperately needs. The rest of us not transfixed by The Donald Trump Show will continue to rely on the Holy Sprit for strength and fortitude. Its not like we can rely on our fellow Americans.