Saturday, March 5, 2016

Democrats Giggle as Fascism Sweeps America.

     Wake up Demmies.

     UPDATE: I wrote this in March. Never have I been so sad to be so right.

     The GOP  is not "imploding".  Repeat. THE GOP IS NOT IMPLODING. Despite itself, it is merely expanding its base. Remember, the  problem for them was figuring out  how to  keep their  racist base appeased while expanding their appeal to others. Marco  Rubio, among others, failed  miserably at this. Well, here comes Donald Trump to save the day! The Donald  titillates  with racial raw meat while expanding from that base. How? By appealing to the voters  legitimate economic  concerns. The very same concerns that  Hillary Clinton  and the  Democrats  have spent decades ignoring.
      Trump will slam Hillary on free trade agreements. Hillary has supported  every single one of these job killing  monstrosities.  Said they would be create  jobs. Said we all benefit from  cheap Chinese crap from Wal-Mart  (where Hillary once served on its board of  directors). Nobody believes  this BS anymore. Except Washington insiders.  Well. there goes Obama, negotiating  yet another one. In secret. Hillary now says she opposes TPP. Yeah, surre.
     Trump will slam Hillary  on Wall Street. She  has taken tens of millions  in speaking fees from  them  directly. She has taken  over $140 MILLION in speaking fees directly from special interests! Did it ever occur to Bill and Hillary  to ease up on the piggishness? Well, expect the Donald to have much fun with this. Stand up to Wall Street? Yeah, sure, Hillary.
     Trump will slam Hillary on Social Security. Trump  understands that people are scared and has decided to exploit their fears by claiming he will protect Social Security. Meanwhile, it is an article  of faith among establishment Democrats  that SS must be  cut, usually  in some Grand Bargain  with the GOP. Nothing  like Useless  Democrats  pissing on the Third Rail of politics.
     Trump will slam from all sides on matters of  war. On one hand, he will  do the standard  right  wing riff of talking tough  and  "making America Great Again". On the  other hand, Hillary has supported EVERY foolish military engagement we get into that manages to be stupid, bloody, pointless. expensive. and unending. Imagine being vulnerable to being called weak and a warmonger at the same  time. A neat trick, unless you're Hillary Clinton.
      Establishment Democrats will spend the fall of 2016 waiting for Trump to collapse, Just like Establishment Republicans spent the fall of 2015 waiting for Trump to collapse. The GOP will stop  imploding and will fall in like with the Donald to save their skins. A demoralized base, having watched Bernie Sanders get mau-maued and "superdelegated" to death  shows no signs of turning  out. The black vote, having helped bury Sanders despite a sterling  civil rights  record,  might not come out  like they did not turn out in 2010 or 2014.
      I hate Donald Trump. I do not believe  his populist rhetoric. I am appalled how totally  unprepared the Democratic Party is to deal with him.

      President Donald Trump.
      Thank you Useless Democrats.
      Have another slice of brie.

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