Monday, November 16, 2015

Hillary WAS Just Good Enough to Lose With

    UPDATE: Don't you just want to strangle Hillary now?
 All that Wall Street money is now sticking to Hillary Clinton like stink on you know what. She cannot hide from it. Any pretext of economic populism is buried in it. Bernie Sanders is right. They do not give you that money out of the goodness of their hearts. They give it to you to own you. Does anyone really believe recent Hillary's shift to the left? Most people believe its just a stunt. A stunt that will be funded with Wall Street dollars. A stunt that will be repudiated when Hillary finally gets to sit in the Big Chair. Then it will be business as usual. Even if her recent shift is sincere, few will believe her. You took the money, Honey.
     I am usually one to decry the media's obsession with "gaffes". The banal horserace reporting without speaking of what the candidates are really saying can drive me mad. But, man, Hillary really laid a big one at the debate November 14. When Sanders persisted in pressuring Hillary on her millions and millions of bucks from the Vampire Squid and others, Hillary said that it doesn't matter because, well, Wall Street was close to the World Trade Center, and she was New York's senator during 911 and therefore we were all victims or something so...uh...don't worry about the money because .....well, just because. All this after the ISIS attacks in France.
     Good God.
     Doesn't the Inevitable Nominee realize that her ties to WS are just as deadly as Jeb Bust's ties to Dubya and Iraq? Didn't she know the question was coming? Why, like Jeb, does she not prepare for this question? Could the reason be that there is no answer to the question? Could it be that her closeness to Wall Street will piss away all the populist advantages that the Democrats should have in 2016? Can you imagine Donald Trump saying "Hey Hillary, why did you take the money? Why did you take MY money?"
     Isn't it about time the Democrats starting asking these questions?

1 comment:

  1. It matters not how Hillary feels about her stewardship of Wall Street concerns. Until we debunk the cavalier attitude of her supporters. The very ones benefitting on the backs of an abandoned population. The poor are tough, humble and far superior human beings. You cannot embrace their plight and endorse the machinery which fouls any chance they may have at success in life. It really is that simple. Any person knowing their struggle on an intimate level can affirm this. We are an absolutely sick and jealous minded society. As I rally for the abandoned I see clear the devastation we impose on them, and it makes me ill.
