American politics approaching the election in 2016 has reached a low ebb. Potential voters are staying away in record numbers. The miasma of Big Money and the soul-crushing pile of negativity it will purchase will further discourage a weary nation. Why should we even try? The Big Boys will always win. But in reality, the Big Boys were defeated 2000 years ago when our Savior was nailed to a Cross. Our failure to believe this has resulted in two basic political trains of thought, both which fail us. There is Liberalism, which is essentially Christ without the Cross. Then there is Conservatism, which is the Cross without Christ. They both fall short of meeting our crying world's needs. This world can be redeemed only with Christ on the Cross. To many people this is either ridiculous or scandalous. They much prefer one of the two more respectable solutions.
First, Liberalism Christ without the Cross. This reduces Jesus to just a very good man. A teacher. A man who shows us a better was to live. Be kind to your neighbor. Care for your fellow man. Liberals are certainly right when they claim that most of Jesus' ideas dovetail with their ideas. Its one of the reasons I consider myself a liberal myself. But Jesus The Really Good Man dose nothing about the sin that is crushing the world. Liberals almost always lose in the long run because we are always the do gooders. The ones that are always trying to get the voters to eat their vegetables. So we are easy prey for those who would allow the voters to indulge in greed, hatred, and fear. Christ without the Cross is certainly nominally attractive, but he gives us no strength to fight the more attractive enemy. So voters turn to the conservatives. Ah, the Conservatives! The Cross without Christ.
Yes, the Cross without Christ. The Cross of all the worlds problems on your shoulders without no God to help you. Self Reliance! Rugged Individualism! You're on your own baby! What you need help? Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps! What, the world's powerful are so ravenous they even took your bootstraps? Quit whining! The Cross without Christ is no Christianity at all. It is one of Evil's greatest triumphs that the majority of American "Christians" have been tricked into a Christless religion. The First Church of Ayn Rand. Its one of Evil's favorite bait and stitch. Here Mr. America, indulge in your favorite cheap sins. All you got to do is carry that huge burden. Alone.
So, in America a Godless despair prevails with the good people of the world powerless to combat it. So what can we do? Embrace Christ on the Cross! Embrace is with all the blood and dirt and sweat. Embrace the suffering. Embrace the suffering needed to bring about a better world. Because God Himself is suffering with us For you! And me! And for the world. Jesus death on the Cross brings eternal life to all. The eternal life should give us strength to combat the forces of Evil who are pressing an unbearable Cross on all of us. The world is being destroyed under the burden of this Christless cross and all the unholy suffering that it brings. Folks, there is no way out of the pains of this world, despite the lies of Evil that tell you can buy yourself out of it. In order to defeat Evil, we need the help only God can bring. What we are doing now sure ain't working. Jesus promises to stand by us bearing the Cross in this world, and giving us Eternal Life in the next. Should we be so quick to disbelieve him without even seeing for ourselves whether He will keep his promises? As for me, I will cast off the Christless Cross the world has dumped on me and embrace the Suffering Servant. Who Died on the Cross. For you. And me.
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