It is easy to demonize the Koch Brothers. Two rich billionaires use huge amounts of money to impose their fascist vision on a gullible America. To political observers disgusted and horrified by money in politics and ordinary people just sick of 30 second attack ads, they are the perfect monster. But maybe, just maybe, it's time to take hope and be less scared.
Yes, the KB's have piles and piles of money. It has been widely reported that they are willing to spend $900 million of it to elect a President of their own choosing. But they seem to lack two things. One is an appealing message. Another is just good political judgment.
Oh, the KB's have a message all right. That message is "We billionaires have a right to do what ever we want to make more money, without any interference from the government, no matter how many livelihoods we destroy and no matter how much damage we do to the environment" Not exactly a winning message. Not having a positive message, they use their money to go negative, to destroy anyone who might get in their way. $900 million buys a lot of squid ink. It has worked very well for 35 years now. Who can blame the KB's for thinking it would work in 2016?
As we now know, all that negativity has created a monster and his name is Trump. All of a sudden, the KB's have lost control. They have no idea how to stop Trump. And Trump does not care about them. Trump is veering into populist economics, claiming he will control plutocrats like the Koch Brothers. Trump is almost like a mirror, people see what they want to see in him. Yes, Trump might be a monster, but he is an unpredictable monster. We already know what evil the monster that is the Koch Brothers has in store for us. Is replacing the KB's with Trump a net plus for America? I don't know, but it sure is fun to watch these old men squirm.
Also, The KB's might have a ton of money, but it looks like their judgment sucks. Their favored candidate for President? Scott Walker. Oops. It says a lot about their judgment and their souls that they thought that the totally repulsive Walker would be just a fine and dandy leader of the Free World. Who is the Clown Car will they turn to next? Yes, the KB's still have influence but they are not in control of events. And that makes them less scary.
You know what folks? We never should have been scared. As I have said before, the worst thing about money in politics is the learned helplessness it breeds in Progressives. But we don't have to take this. Look at Bernie Sanders. He is virtually being ignored by the mainstream media. He certainly does not have $900 million to spend on his campaign. But he is leading in Iowa and New Hampshire as I write this. Why? Because his message is so strong it cannot be suppressed. Hey Democrats, I got a radical idea: spend less time fundraising and more time working on how to make the country better. We need not be afraid of scary monsters like the Koch Brothers or Donald Trump. We have the power to slay them.
Let's hope we do "slay" them. It would appear as though Trump is going down and the weirdo Carson is taking his place, for now. I think we will end up with Rubio in the end. He will be what the GOP want. He will also be against the working man.