Well, it turns out that Josh Dugger of the famous Dugger Clan of "19 Kids and Counting" is guilty of molesting at least 5 of his sisters. I, along with many other people, have expressed their disgust with a person who would spend so much of his life's energy attacking gays being guilty of monstrous sex crimes himself. Dugger is justly scorned for his terrible hypocrisy. Yet, I have been accused by some fellow Christians of being a hypocrite myself by not expressing Christian forgiveness myself. Who is right? The answer can be found in the true meaning of Christian forgiveness and the darkest meaning of suffering.
Does God forgive Josh Dugger? Does God still love Josh Dugger? Yes and Yes. If Josh Dugger wants God's forgiveness, he just has to repent for his sins and ask for it and it will be granted. This is true for you, it is true for me, it will be true for the worst sinner that ever lived. Because Jesus Christ Died for everybody's sins. Heaven is a choice. We either accept God's forgiveness or we don't. That alone gets us into Heaven. It is easy to see how a lot of secular people would have a problem with this. Seems way too easy. Seems to be a license to hurt people. You mean it is possible that God forgave Hitler? Stalin? Mob bosses? The fact that I am a Christian means I have to say yes. And a lot of good people are disgusted by that answer.
But, do not misunderstand. Just because God forgives our sins does NOT mean we do not have to pay a price for our sins on Earth. A loving God allows us to suffer the consequences of our sins here and now. God does NOT allow us to escape these consequences. Would not a loving parent discipline their children after they misbehaved? Is it not the job of a loving parent to teach their children right and wrong? Of course it is. This is why that the people who say the critics of Dugger lack Christian Forgiveness are so wrong. Dugger must face the just and proper repercussions for his actions just as the Catholic pedophile priests did. Just like we all do for our sins. God is not a "Get out of Jail Free" card. God is a just and loving father who wants the best for us. Who wants us to grow into souls worthy to join him in Heaven for all eternity. The Suffering Servant who died on the Cross for the sins of the whole world does not allow us to weasel out of suffering. It is part of the price we pay for our fallen world and the contributions we all make to its suffering.
Besides, who should be the ultimate beneficiaries of Christian forgiveness in this case? Josh's VICTIMS. That's right. They need to forgive their brother, not for him but for THEMSELVES. They need the grace to give up THEIR pain and THEIR anger so they do not lose THEIR souls. It is my prayer that they allow Jesus into this horrible situation, for THEIR benefit to free themselves. Hatred and bitterness is a prison much worse that the one Josh Dugger needs to be headed to. Christian forgiveness grants them THEIR freedom.
So Josh, I pray to see you in Heaven. After you get out of jail.
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