I always have to laugh when secular liberals laugh at Fox News when said Fox News is whipping their asses. I watch in half amazement and half disgust as they fire their "enlightenment" weapons of logic, science, and that especially annoying liberal specialty of oh-so-snarky Letterman-Jon Stewart style- dripping- in- irony sarcasm at the Murdoch Machine. Yep, secular liberals giggle among themselves, sip their lattes, and then wonder why the Corporate Capitalist Machine is eating everything in sight with nothing stopping them. Why do these people watch this crap and vote against their interest? Secular liberals are totally flummoxed by the appeal of Fox News. Why? Its because secular liberals ignore the reality of the existence of Original Sin. Their problem is that Rupert Murdoch never forgot.
Why do conservatives love Fox News? Because for them Fox is FUN. Hatred of the people who you think destroyed your life is FUN. Racism is FUN. Watching Bill O'Reilly and the gang rail against the people you hate is FUN. Taking potshots and the Great Kenyan Usurper with the phony birth certificate is FUN. Even fear is fun, if you can turn it into amusement park fear. Its fun to be afraid of ACORN, the New Black Panthers, and whomever is the Scary Fox Monster of the Current News Cycle is today. Like a roller coaster, deep down they know they really don't have much to be afraid of, but every carny barker knows that if you can control the marks' fear, you can sell it right back to them. And if you get a hottie like Megyn Kelly to serve up the fun, so much the better.
This is the work of Original Sin. When it comes down to it, conservatism is FUN. Don't believe that racism is fun? I grew up with racists. They loved being afraid. When you got to the subject of how horrible "niggers" were, you could not shut them up. The stories just went on and on and on... Its fun to look down on the people you hate. Look at the faces of the people who attended Klan rallies in the South. Don't tell me they weren't having fun spitting on civil rights protesters. Mike Royko in his book Boss tells the story of what happened when Martin Luther King tried to integrate the white backlash wards on Chicago's Southwest Side. In between throwing bricks and bags of shit at the protesters, they had time to sing this little version of the Oscar Meyer ditty:
I wish I was an Alabama trooper
That is what I truly want to be
For if I was an Alabama trooper
I could kill the niggers legally.
Oh, they were having fun all right. In fact any Foxoid who reads the above is now laughing his conservative ass off. Things have not changed, Ask the NYPD. Go to Ferguson. Go to Baltimore.
Conservatism has even made religion fun. Most fundamentalist churches now feature the "Rapture". Its not enough that Jesus is going to come again and deliver all the believers to Heaven. Oh no, now there has to be a Rapture (a 19th century invention ,by the way). Not only to Christians get to go to Heaven, they get Leave Behind all those Bad People they love to hate. Sit high in Heaven and watch Obama, Hillary, and all those gays suffer horrible tribulations. What Fun! Don't believe me? The Left Behind series has sold tens of millions of copies. They are loaded with guns and tanks and bombers and a whole bunch of other stuff that gives wingnuts wet dreams. Think this is a joke? Hundreds of lawmakers across America do not think so. Why protect the planet when the Rapture is just around the corner. Won't it be great? Won't it be fun ??
Rupert Murdoch understands all this. The democracies of Australia, Great Britain, and the United States have been broken on this understanding. He understands that the majority of the consumers of media want to have fun. Why give the public understanding of the issues that effect them most. That could be dangerous for Rupert's buddies. No give them fluff, celebrities, true crime and Page Three girls. Give them fun, or at least make them think its fun. ( Don't get the wrong idea, I got nothing against fun. I just don't believe it should come from the misery of others). Fox News is the crowning glory of Murdoch's evil genius. After all, his. worship of the rich policies have made tens of millions miserable. So create a network that expertly convinces the people to blame liberals, minorities, ect.. And make them have fun watching! Satan could not have done it better.
Folks, Fox News is a spiritual problem. It will not be defeated by brilliant repartee, policy wonks and their position papers, of even brilliant Obamaish electoral strategies . It certainly will not be defeated by Hillary. To defeat the evil of Fox we need spiritual weapons. We need the strength and wisdom of God to defeat evil. Unfortunately, by being secular, liberals have turned away from the only weapon that that will defeat the right wing machine. They will see this blog as an exercise in fantasy. They will continue to ignore the power of God. They will continue to indulge in all the tired old strategies. And they will continue to get their butts whipped. They will win some elections and be disappointed as the Machine strangles their hopes once again.
But out of the ashes of disaster comes hope. First God whispers, Then He Shouts. Then he SCREAMS. Can you hear the screaming now Secular Liberal? The screams of billions of suffering souls? So much suffering that only a Cross can redeem. Take another look at Jesus, my liberal friend. The Jesus of Marin Luther King, not the stolen and basterdised Jesus of Sarah Palin and Fox News. The only force that can defeat evil. Please. Because, just like you I am sick of losing. For once lets feel the glory of Victory!
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