The Rolling Stones' "Sympathy For The Devil" would probably make most people's top 10 lists of best rock song of all time. I don't know if Mick and the boys really believed in the Devil, but if they did, I would imagine that they got him pegged pretty well. "Let me please introduce myself, I am a man of wealth and taste" sings Jagger. Not a little red creature with horns or a psycho like Charles Manson, but a master of disguise.
I will never be Mick Jagger, but I can play devils advocate. What if you could create Hell on earth? Yeah, you could start wars and open up concentration camps, but wouldn't it be more fun if you could create Hell and make people think they are in some sort of Heaven? What would you do?
Well, you could make them obsess with self and ignore their neighbor. You could even package it as "rugged individualism". You could ply them with cheap material comforts while they agonize over deep seated desires not being fulfilled. What is the meaning of life? Dying with the most Toys!! Hey, the Koch Brothers sure have a lot of them. Ply them with inane "entertainment" or mind altering drugs. Go see "American Sniper" or just take a freaking Xanax. If they go to church, bury them in self help goo or the Prosperity Gospel. Anything to keep them away from worshiping the One which can fulfill all their deep desires and wipe away their oceans of tears.
Soren Kierkegaard one said something to the effect that the greatest tragedy to befall a human being is not despair but being in despair and not knowing it. Is not that the perfect description of America in 2016? I pray for the agony of my poor tortured Lonely Nation.
Thank you! What passes for Christian family values right now is offensive. You seem to be one of the few that get it.