Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Real Life Star Wars. OR Hillary Clinton Lost and I Feel Fine..

      UPDATE: Well, Hillary did not get out of the way. Look what happened
 A so called Bright Side of the Force that has made peace with the Death Star is more insidious, more depraved, more evil than the Death Star itself.
     For even if the Death Star is totally in control, as long as there is a Bright Side of the Force fighting against it, no matter how tiny, no matter how beaten, there is still hope. but if the Bright side goes along with the Dark Side, becomes its junior partner, there can be no hope, because the darkness will eventually consume the light and snuff it out, leaving no hope.
     Today, the world's 65 richest people control as much wealth than the poorest 3.5 billion people. This can be described by the following absurd equation:


    This travesty was brought to you by worldwide economic globalization, which is really a system of global economic SLAVERY. In the old days, the slaveholder paid for the housing and food, such as it was, and gave it directly to the slaves. Now, the modern slave is given a small wage, maybe given a government subsidy, and is left to fend for herself. The slaveholders then call this 'freedom' and say that the slaves should be grateful for it. If you think this is a harsh or outrageous statement, you need to look at the math again.


       For Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the establishment Democratic Party, this is just a fine and dandy state of affairs.
     This state of affairs is horribly offensive to any system of morality and decency that humanity has ever devised. Judaism. Christianity. Islam. Buddhism. Ancient Greek Paganism. Secular Humanism. you name it. The current system cannot be morally defended on any level whatsoever.


     But  watch Hillary Clinton tie herself in knots to defend the interests of the 65 while pretending to be the friend of the 3,500,000,000.

     Why am I picking on Hillary? why am I not picking on Donald Trump or Marco Rubio? Well, it you read my previous posts, you will see that I already have. They deserve our scorn and disgust. The problem is that there will always be a Death Star, or at least someone trying to build one. There will never be a shortage of would be Darth Vaders. There will never be a shortage of stormtroopers to serve them.The bitch goddess Power will always have a hold on many, if not most souls. The issue is not the quantity of sinners. The issue is the quality of saints. The more overwhelming the darkness, the brighter a pinprick of light.


         How can anyone with even a tiny scrap of humanity go along with that?

         Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are going along with it. Sorry, but the standards for Jedi Knights will always be much higher than those of stormtroopers. Sorry if that pisses Democrats off. Or scares the shit out of them.

     When faced with the Death Star that is our current situation, which threatens the very existence of humanity and the planet itself, there can be  no choice but to try to blow the whole dam   thing up. Hillary Clinton, with her "pragmatism", her "no we can't", just distracts us from what we must do. If she gets in , the status quo will continue. Except for some cosmetic changes and maybe a few social issue distractions, the 65 will get even less in number and the3,500,000,000 even more. Just like under any GOP  president. She will continue to use the United States military to enforce the global slavery system, just like under any GOP president. For as repulsive as, Trump, Rubio, Bush, or Kasich or whomever are, I am not worried about them. I am worried that the good people will lose the willingness to fight, for that is our only hope.

     Let me repeat.

       A so called Bright Side of the Force that has made peace with the Death Star is more insidious, more depraved, more evil than the Death Star itself.
     For even if the Death Star is totally in control, as long as there is a Bright Side of the Force fighting against it, no matter how tiny, no matter how beaten, there is still hope. but if the Bright side goes along with the Dark Side, becomes its junior partner, there can be no hope, because the darkness will eventually consume the light and snuff it out, leaving no hope.

      For God's sake Hillary, just get the hell out of the way.



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