Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Time for the Disruption of........Corporate Capitalism

     We are hearing much about how our Corporate Masters of the Universe are into Disruption. Disrupt old industries. Disrupt old ways of doing things. Uber is "disrupting" the taxi industry! Never mind that the poor taxi drivers, who are probably struggling anyway, probably need the work. Disrupt them! Brag about how disruptive your new technology is and see your stock price soar! Get on the cover of Forbes! Never mind that your company might be like Snapchat still wondering how you are going to make money. Snapchat is Disruptive! Never mind that it really does not do anything good for society. Disruption is the new buzzword! Disruption is now! Disruption is wow! If it happens to throw thousands out of work so the elitist idiots can follow the latest fad, oh well.
     Actually, Disruption is nothing new for the Godless corporate capitalists. Millions of good people got their lives "disrupted' by when the Masters of The Universe brought down the economy in 2008. Actually, God's creation is in the process of being disrupted. The seas are being drained empty of fish. Pollution has done untold disruption to nature and the people who depend on clean air and clean water. Thousands of lives are being disrupted by fracking, as The Masters Of The Universe are determined to squeeze every drop of oil out of the ground. And of course there is Global Warming. Ya think future generations might think this "disruptive"?  Think the droughts in California are disruptive? Was Superstorm Sandy disruptive? Think the people who live on island nations like Kiribati, Tuvalu, and the Maldives seeing their countries disappear under the rising seas might find this just a tad disruptive? Hell, it might even be disruptive if the hipsters on South Beach  can't get to Joe's Stone Crab because its under water! A tiny strata of the population gets all the profits. The rest of us get disrupted! Don't like it? Shut up. You are just going to have to "adjust". Again. The creative destructionism  of capitalism, you know.
     Dear Jesus, I am so sick of this garbage. Its time to disrupt the disruptors.
     It is obvious that the politicians will do nothing. The great journalist Thomas Frank got Barack Obama exactly right. Obama won because the people believed his message of "Hope" and "Change". And baby, when he got elected, things needed to change. The stinking rotting edifice that was the system was so out in the open that nobody could ignore the stench anymore. The elites were totally and clearly corrupt. The media was too palsied to report the truth. The middle class was almost squeezed to death. The banks became the largest criminal enterprises in the history of mankind. It was totally clear that things had to change. The Parasite Class was sucking humanity dry. They needed to ne stopped.
     They needed to be disrupted!
     Nothing changed. Nobody went to jail. Obama moved heaven and earth not to disrupt anything. Amazing. Obama needed to buy a new car. Instead he spent tons of money trying to overhaul the old one. Guess what? It runs as bad as before. It runs on the same old bullshit. First it was merger mania. Then it was the dot.com bubble. Crash. Then it was the housing bubble. Crash Again, a really big one this time. Now, the new buzzword is disruption. Their breathless hyping of this lunacy would be hilarious if it wasn't causing the suffering of billions. The elites continue to dance la de da to yet another disaster. With nothing to disrupt them.
      Dear people, we have to stop the madness. We have to band together and organize.
      This Godless corporate capitalism that has spread worldwide like the plague and made billions of souls miserable around the world has to end.
      We have to disrupt them.
      We have to stop pretending that things will get better if we just wait it out. It will not. We have to stop pretending that the movers and shakers of the world are decent people. They are not. We have to stop pretending that the gluttonous luxury of a tiny few  while the billions of the masses suffer is the natural order of things. It is not. We have to stop pretending that the elites have common sense and science on their side. They do not. All so called classical economic theory. is an attempt to put a scientific gloss on the greed and dysfunction of the world economy. It is not based on any kind of reality. It is mere propaganda. As I have stated in this blog before at length, we are the prisoner of our own bad ideas. Corporations, money, and economic theory are nothing but concepts. We have the power to change the whole stinking system if we just realize that the authority imprisoning ourselves is not legitimate and simply not real.
      Finally folks, we have an ally on our side. The same corporate media that pimps for the continuation of this system of madness is the same one that told us that God is Dead. This is NOT a   coincidence. It would have you believe that things like economics, corporations and money are real while God is just a fairy tale. A very good thing for evil. For the Jesus depicted in the Gospels was disruptive. Disruptive to the Roman oppressors and the Sadducee elites that got to run the Temple in exchange to sucking up to them. Disruptive to the Pharisee elites who tried to reduce God to a system of laws instead of a God of love. Disruptive to the Jewish masses who wanted a military Messiah to kick the Romans out. Jesus took pity of the starving and miserable masses and died on the Cross to give eternal life for all, rich or poor, Jew or Gentile. Its this hope of Eternity that should give us the strength to take on the corporatist capitalist machine. I know some of you reading this have trouble believing in the divinity of Jesus. The cheap imitation of Christianity that has infested so many American churches has disgusted many. The evil propaganda machine that apologizes for it has done horrible damage to our souls. So has the lie that it is OK for so many billions to be miserable as long as I Got Mine. So has the lie that Getting Yours will make you happy. The faith that I have that Jesus Christ has given me the strength to write this. Otherwise I would have trouble getting out of bed, so overwhelming is the world's evil. It is my prayer that you may find peace and strength in Jesus too. Or at least find strength somewhere.  Corporate Evil has had its way for far too long. First it must be disrupted. Then crushed. .      

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