Monday, September 14, 2015

Donald Trump and the Continued Perversion of Manhood

    UPDATE: Absolutely nothing has changed
. Men, especially white men, seem to be eating up Donald Trump's shtick. The Donald is tough! The Donald is a leader! The Donald is whipping those sissybricthes like Jeb Bush and Rand Paul! The Donald screws supermodels and has no time for ugly women like Hillary and Carly Fiorina! The Donald is going to make America Great Again! Why? The Donald is a billionaire! The Donald kicks ass! Implied in all this is that the Donald is a Real Man, and only a Real Man, a Strongman, can save us!!!.

     Nothing can be further than the truth. The fact that Donald Trump is looked on by so many people as the Ultimate Male is just a shining example of how the concept of maleness has been twisted and perverted by the miasma that is modern life. Once upon the time, the Trumps of the world would have laughed out of town for the phonies and posers they are.

     The word husband comes from the word "husbandry". Husbandry was the whole process of an independent, free man taking care of his family and his estate. This man was a loyal companion to his friends, and did not shirk from leadership responsibilities. He acted for the good of the community and not just out of self-interest. He took care of the land, taking care to preserve it and not pollute it or harm his neighbors. He took a leadership role in his family but did not abuse or oppress his wife and children. Other male archetypes, such as the knight, the hunter, and the warrior were from the same bent. This man was always willing to sacrifice, even to die for his lord, his king (or queen), his country, his family and especially his comrades in battle. The there running through all these archetypes is self-sacrifice.  There was no greater honor than to lay down ones life for his friends. The selfish dandy was recognized for what he was: a man of weak character whose selfishness placed in danger everyone around him. No, this was not always put into practice, but is was an ideal sincerely strived for and universally admired. The man who succeeded in living these ideals was a man of respect. He was a Real Man.

   Somewhere along the line, we lost our way. The Fake Real Man of today does not seek to co-operate, he seeks to dominate. The accumulation of money and power to crush others is the hallmark of the New Fake Man. I will look out for Number One and have no obligation to my fellow man. This New Fake Man is often seen on Wall Street, making billions producing nothing of real value and shouting into his Blackberry clutched by his soft pink hands. Indeed, the New Fake Man scorns honest physical labor as fit only for lesser subhumans. The New Fake Man is really not man at all but just an image, a brand. Trapped by the consumer culture, desperate for his paycheck, caged in his cubicle, he finds himself totally unable to strive for the old ancient ideals. Those who fail in the winner-take-all society ( which is almost everyone), often find themselves expressing their maleness in strange and bizarre ways. Guns. Violence. Domestic Violence. Screaming at the TV because Eli Manning threw yet another interception. This New Fake Man has trouble relating  to women, who still yearn mostly for the old-style Real Man. In his frustration he resorts to domestic violence. Or serial infidelity. Or porn. In his heart, he wants to be a Real Man but doesn't know how. He is angry. He is frustrated. He desperately searches for a strongman. A savior. A cause in which he can forget about his miserable existence. Someone like Donald Trump.

     Folks, this is not to mock the modern American male. He is trapped in a cheap, banal consumer, kleptomaniac culture with precious few opportunities to be a Real Man. So what is his solution? Why, he can escape from the society that binds him. Transcend it. Rise above it. If you want to be a Real Man, turn to a Real Savior. Someone who loves you. Someone with the power to allow you to shake off the chains, frustrations and failures of this world and live for Eternity in the next. Yes, this is Jesus Christ, the ultimate Real Man. All the attributes of a Real Man can be found in his Sacred Heart. All the love for your fellow man can be found on the Cross. The legions of New Fake Men, personified in its most monstrous form by Donald Trump, want to keep the whole world imprisoned in an iron cage of selfishness. This is killing our world, our friends, our families and our neighbors. Folks, I am a very weak man. But in my weakness I am strong. In my weakness I turn to Jesus. And become the Real Man He created me to be.



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