Thursday, July 30, 2015

Florida:Pundits can't be bothered by actual election results

The University of Virginia publishes a horse race political Blog called "Sabato's  Crystal Ball" in which he tries to predict political races. President, Governor, Senate, House. Despite the title, he seldom veers from cautions conventional "wisdom". Take Florida, where there is going to be a contested primary between Progressive hero Alan Grayson and moderate (and former Republican) Patrick Murphy.  The conventional "wisdom" is that Grayson is a liberal bomb thrower, while Murphy, due to Florida's history of electing moderates, is by far the strongest candidate. Sabato trots out Senator Bill Nelson and ex Governor and Senator Bob Graham as examples of Florida moderate Democratic power. Nice sounding theory. Beloved inside the Beltway. To bad it is false, laughably false, almost psychotically false.

First of all, Bob Graham last ran statewide in 1998. That's 17 years ago, Larry. Nelson won his last tough race in 2000. His reelection since then has been more due to incredible luck then political strength. In 2006 Nelson ran for re-election against, wait for it, KATHERINE HARRIS. In 2012, he was opposed by Connie Mark III, who had more personal problems than Charlie Sheen.  Pulling out these Golden Oldies as an examples on how Florida voters like moderate Democrats just preys on the national readers ignorance of Florida Politics.

Soooooo, how have Florida Democratic Moderates fared when Nelson was not facing a paluka? They are Zero for Seven!

RACE                             REPUBLICIAN                    DEMOCRAT                               
Governor                        Rick Scott                     moderate Charlie Christ               

Governor                        Rick Scott                     moderate Alex Sink                      

Senator                           Marco Rubio                moderate Ind. Charlie Crist          

Governor                       Charlie Crist                 moderate Jim Davis
Senator                           Mel Martinez              moderate Betty Castor                 

Governor                       Jeb Bush                      moderate Bill McBride
Governor                       Jeb Bush                      moderate Buddy McKay


Even taking into account 2010's split opposition against Rubio (which Rubio would have won anyway in the Tea Party sweep) This Is an 0 for 7 record for Florida Moderates. I'm not even bringing up downballot races, where Republicans always win. Soooo Florida Democrats should vote for Murphy because is will be the stronger candidate. Really?

Don't bring up Grayson's Talban Dan comments please. There was no way he was going to be re-elected in that district in the Tea Party year 0f 2010.Can Grayson be elected statewide? Don't know. History shows that Murphy will be no better

Larry Sabato, you suck      

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