America is dying do to the elites indifference to the well being of the nation and the average citizen's disinclination to do anything about it. After all, the average Joe knows very well that something is very wrong but lacks either the knowledge or courage to bring about the needed change. So he flails in anger, making himself look silly, allowing the elites to laugh at him and not change their behavior. So the lifeblood of America drains away, with no end in sight.
It truly is amazing how indifferent the American elites are to the well being of America. They treat the nation of their birth as just another company to loot, just another teardown to make room for another McMansion. Hey, the place is dying, so sell it off for the sum of its parts! If the place dies, so what? We are citizens of the world! We can live anywhere we want! If millions of less fortunate Americans are destroyed by their greed ,cruelty, and corruption so what? We earned it! We deserve our wealth and everyone else's too. We're just better than you!
Nobody comments on how the US elites indifference to their native land is quite unique in the world. Vladimir Putin might be a bastard, but nobody doubts he cares about Russia. The Chinese Communists might be cruel to their people, but they care about the future greatness of China. You get the feeling that the Masters of the Universe on Wall Street or Silicon Valley would not give a damm about the demise of their fellow Americans as long as they got their money. In euros, of course.
It is very simple how the elites made their money. They would like to tell you that they made it through brilliant innovation on Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Wrong. Most of their wealth has been simple cost cutting. What has the cost that has been cut? Labor. The 1 percent's formula for riches? Cut wages through the forces of globalization and stuff it into their own pockets. Its as simple as that. They would like to pretend that it is through their superior intelligence and innovation. But in 2016, Silicon Valley is largely being exposed as an emperor without any clothes. Instead of the flying cars of The Jetsons, we get fancy phones and 140 characters. Steve Jobs is dead. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have nothing more to offer than hot air. There is nothing big on the horizon, Uber and Snapchat notwithstanding. The Superinnovative Cool Cats made money the old fashioned way. Through slavery.
What have We The People done about this? Not much. Sure they get angry. Big deal. My beagle Alfie gets angry when you keep him off the couch. But the duties of citizenship that our Creator demands of us seems to be beyond us. Maybe we lack the intelligence to realize that our oppressors are the cool cats who sit in their jeans on Casual Friday, rather than minorities or Muslim terrorists. You are thousands and thousands of times more likely to be made homeless my someone sending your job to China rather than being attacked by terrorists.
Two totally unrelated movies can tell us the extend of the problem. One is "Slap Shot", the hilarious Paul Newman classic about minor league hockey. The subplot in the movie is that the team is going to be disbanded because the towns steel mill is closing. "Slap Shot" was made in 1975, 41 years ago. The other movie is Alan Parker 's Mississippi Burning" where the Gene Hackman character tells a story about how his father killed his black neighbor's mule because "son, if you ain't better than a nigger, than what are you." The point of bringing up these two movies? One, is that the betrayal of the working class has been going on for two generations now. Second, it has been allowed to go on because the white working class would rather defend white privilege than fight for a better and fairer world.
Yes, White privilege exists. Why else would whites pay such a cost to defend it? There is no such thing as "driving while white". No such thing as white ghettos. Whites are privileged in this country in so many ways,it is not surprising that they would go to such great lengths to defend it. There is only one problem. White elites in Wall Street, Silicon Valley and Washington don't give a damm about white privilege. Because destroying American white privilege is how they make their money!
The hard pressed American white male could have responded to this challenge in several ways. One is working to improve their skills. On one hand, this has proven to be no guarantee of a good job. On the other hand, there has been much comment on how females have worked harder to improve their skills while many males have remained passive. Hard times are no excuse for doing nothing, but many whites have done just that. Even better, White American Male could have made common cause with his fellow human beings to create a just society. Didn't wanna do that either. So what did he do? Follow 40 years of white backlash politicians. These pols would promise to defend, in secret coded words, white privilege and blame everything on black welfare queens. Indeed, make it sound like the only Americans who work hard are white males. Everyone else is sucking off the government. Of course, these pols turned around and took the money of the white elites as they destroyed tens of millions of jobs!For forty years! Well now. White American Male has seen through their ruse! He has rejected his old Republican buddies! He now has a solution! DONALD TRUMP!!!
Good God.
Well it looks like America's double whammy will continue for awhile. Will America survive? Who knows?All I know is that Jesus Christ has promised us that the gates of Hell will not prevail against His creation. Good thing too. Looks like America might not be so lucky.
Dance with your Donald, Fellow American. I will put my hope in the Lord.