It is obvious that America is a nation in decline. It is in decline because it is in the stranglehold of elites that are amoral, greedy, selfish, and incompetent. Business elites that run once great companies into the ground in search of short term profit. Political elites that would sell their souls to the Devil for a campaign contribution. Media elites which glorify themselves in their own shallowness and stupidity. "Rugged individualists" in business and the military who trip over each other to suck off the people's taxes and government debt. Never mind the lives they ruin or the blood they cause to be shed. Yep, they have turned a once great nation into a kleptocracy, a giant whorehouse for the rich and powerful. God? God is an elitist's bank account. God is in the toys they will die with. God is what they do with their genitals. In fact, the elites believe they are God themselves. The other 99% of America? Screw them. They exist only to steal from and/or to enslave.
But, in their reptilian minds, a certain uneasiness creeps in the back of their brains. How long can we get away with this? How long can we keep shipping their livelihoods to China and India so we can line our own pockets? When are the little people finally going to rise up against us? Will we be able to collect our next bonus? Keep the hedge fund growing? Keep stealing outrageous salaries from "stockholders", most who only own the stock for less then a second? How long will they bleed and die for our wars of profit? Indeed, how are we gonna stay on top when the bubble blown from our latest idiotfest explodes?
Well they got two very old ideas, used by parasitical elites since the dawn of civilization. The frick and frack of societal fraud. They are propaganda and thuggery.
Propaganda like "American Sniper" . As America slides deeper into the abyss, the more desperate, shrill, and vapid the voices are that try to convince the little people that everything is going to be "alllriiiiiight" Don't worry your little heads about it. America is still great, still number one! USA! USA! USA! Don't worry about what the thinking and logical side of your brain is telling you. Thrill to the sight of Chris Kyle blowing away the freaking ragheads! Let Megyn Kelly and the other bimbos on Fox tell you that a return to greatness is just around the corner when we finally get rid of that awful Kenyan usurper in the White House and put a proper white man there. This type of propaganda is already overweening and its going to get worse as conditions in America get worse. There is already a super, high tech jet, military flyover over every NFL game. It is much cheaper for the elites to sprew out this garbage then to, say, stop stealing the bounty of this once great country. Having killed off the God that might save them, it is so easy to sell the masses on the idea that their highest ideal is cheap patriotism.
Propaganda will be enough for the vast majority of the masses. For the minority of dissenters, what is needed is violence. Thug Power. Movements like Occupy Wall Street scare the hell out of the elites because it inflames the guilty conscience that still burns in their dying souls. So, call out the police, dress them up like Robocop, and have them kick the crap out of the dissenters. The murderous brutality against Michael Brown, Eric Garner and so many others too numerous to mention is not to "stop crime" or "fight terrorism" but to crush the inevitable dissent and unrest when the little people finally get sick of being screwed. Start with the blacks and white activists who never bought into the elites bullshit in the first place. Mix the violence with propaganda to make the majority think that violence is directed to those people. Get the majority to cheer on their own destruction! By the time they come for "ordinary white folks" it will be too late. Or so the elites hope.
But I remain eternally hopeful myself. Hopeful that the masses will tire of the vapid exhaustion that is American life in 2015. Hopeful that the elites will destroy themselves with their greed and ignorance. Above all, hopeful that the God, whose power can help us rise above anything, can prevail. The way things are going, it looks like our only hope.